JMMUN Times is now published!

Thank you all for participating in JMMUN 2021. It was a great honor to have you all. JMMUN Press will like to announce that the JMMUN Times are now published. We would like to show huge appreciation to the delegates for answering the survey and letting us interview . I …

A Word From Beginner 1 Chair Director

こんにちは。 JMMUN Beginner 1 Chair Director の金子です。本番のコンファレンスまで1週間を切りましたが、準備の方はいかがでしょうか?Position Paper に関しては今のところ複数名ほどからしか来ていません。評価対象からは外れますが、期限後提出されたものも全て読んでいます。Delegate が自分らの考えを文章にして整理できるだけでなく、Chairも、当日までに大まかなDelegateのスタンスを理解して本番に臨めますので、今からでもPosition Paper を提出することをお勧めします!(Position Paperは基本Chairが読むもので、各Delegateが全体で発表するためのものではありません。)以前もお伝えしたと思いますが、以下が調べておくと良い項目の一部ですので、参考にしてください。 – Basic information of your country (religion, economy, population, etc.)-Your country’s stance on the topic (laws, solutions taken)-How is your country involved with the UN in combating the Gender Pay Gap?-How much is your country willing to …

Survey for JMMUN Participants!

Hello 2021 JMMUN participants! JMMUN press publishes JMMUN Times every year. To make JMMUN Times more interesting, we are going to do a survey on one academic topic to share some ideas on our social problem and one non-academic topic just for fun! JMMUN Press will analyze the results and …

Position Paper Guidelines

Position Paper Guidelines are now out! The deadline for Position Papers that will be considered for awards is 9PM JST on Saturday, February 27. Delegates that need more time to write their position papers should still submit them after this date, but they will not receive consideration for an award.

Correction and Apologies

Dear JMMUN participants in the Advanced committee, The background guide for Advanced 1, “Reconstructing the Global Economy During the COVID-19 Pandemic” was posted on Advanced 2 and the background guide for Advanced 2, “Solving Conflicts During the COVID-19 Pandemic” was posted on Advanced 1. We apologise for the link being …