Thank you for applying to JMMUN 2021!
We would like to announce that JMMUN orientation will be held on 1/23.
Here are the details for the orientation on the 23rd.
Start time: 15:00
End time: 16:00 – 16:30 (We will try to end it on time, but please keep in mind that the ending time might be delayed.)
Zoom name: When participating in the meeting, please use your full name, such as “Hanako Senzoku”, as your Zoom name. For teachers, please participate as “Chaperone (your full name)”, such as “Chaperone (Hanako Senzoku)”.
Zoom groups: The groups are already decided, but we do not have the details for the codes for Zoom yet. You will be notified as soon as the information becomes available.
If you have any questions regarding the orientation, please contact .
JMMUN Members
終了時間:16:00 から 16:30の間で終了する予定です。また場合により少々終了時間が遅れてしまう可能性もありますのでご了承ください。
Zoomの名前について:オリエンテーションに参加する際にはZoomの名前をフルネームにしてください。(例:”Hanako Senzoku”)また講師の方が参加される場合はChaperone (フルネーム)として参加してください。(例:”Chaperone (Hanako Senzoku)”)